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Plan and Compare Forklifts & AGVs Efficiently
Use direct transports such as forklifts and AGVs in the best possible way with ipolog optimization software
Building direct transports efficiently and thus guaranteeing a high-frequency supply for the respective production program at optimal capacity utilization is a strong suit of the new ipolog version.
No matter whether forklift trucks, automatic guides vehicles (AGVs) or simple pallet trucks: our unique software solution makes it easier for you to synchronize and design direct transports in the future.
The planning of forklift and AGV transports as well as their timing and capacity optimization are important parameters of production planning. This requires time and resource-dependent planning.
With ipolog you can make concrete statements both in rough planning and in detailed planning or in series production. Learn more now!
When are forklifts and AGVs useful and lucrative? Make clear statements with ipolog!
The optimal combination and utilization of your own fleet of forklifts and AGVs increases your profitability. This is achieved by saving on personnel and transport costs for all industrial vehicles used. Based on a real production program, ipolog calculates the earliest and latest possible delivery times backwards from the installation site. With targeted and demand-oriented deliveries on a precisely timed assembly line, you can carry out an ideal, digital “proof of concept” in ipolog. This allows you to know tomorrow’s reality today and be prepared for it!
The 3D model ensures that the required materials are provided at the right time and place after implementation.
With ipolog you are able to evaluate whether a forklift truck can be used lucratively and which resources you need. Play through different scenarios and recognize temporary peak loads in planning.
Depending on the planning phase (rough planning, detailed planning, repetitive planning), you can use ipolog to make key statements about the following target figures:
Resource requirements
number of forklifts, AGVs and pallet trucks on a type basis
Precise statements about the required number of forklift truck drivers and logistics staff
Transports per day
When and how often is the transport driven?
Total routes
Layout-based evaluation of the transport routes
Process times
Loading, driving and unloading in process form or in a Gantt diagram
Future-proof planning – roughly sketched or detailed:
The calculations in ipolog are based on the logistic quantity structure (LMG) and standard process modules which can be adapted to the respective situation. In both detailed planning and operations, a current production program serves as the time basis from which the staging times can be calculated. In earlier phases, ipolog generates a synthesized demand program from the forecast product distribution. This allows for the use of the same tool with a consistent data model throughout all phases and allows for the dynamic simulation of production logistics.
Due to the 3D model and detailed evaluations, the planning in ipolog offers concrete possibilities for planning and optimizing direct transports and tugger trains. Simulation over time has the advantage that activities such as loading, driving and unloading and the transports themselves can be traced in a Gantt diagram.
In animation and simulation, forklifts, AGVs and tugger trains drive through the hall at the correct time in the 3D model based on source-sink relationships. This means that all those involved in the decision-making process can find each other immediately and can discuss the concretely represented situation together.
The displayed transports are not only visible in the 3D view. Direct evaluations allow to identify specific bottlenecks and to develop and simulate optimal solutions in ipolog.
In the form of a heat map, the density of the traffic volume in the hall can be dynamically displayed at any time. The more intensive the coloring, the more vehicles are on the same route at that time. Thus, the mix of all direct transports can be specifically evaluated and adjusted if necessary. This directly calculated feedback speeds up planning and leads to reliable results.
This added value results from your planning in ipolog:
- Transport relationships between layout areas
- Calculation of resource requirements via defined material flow chains
- Dynamic transfer orders based on staging times
- Order list with earliest and latest delivery dates and source-drain relationships
- Analysis of logistics planning over time with load peaks
That’s what our customers say
Digitalization, visualization, and the ability to analyze data were the most important decision criteria in our software selection. In the provisioning planning, we have been able to achieve significant improvements with the ipolog software so far.
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Plan and Compare Forklifts & AGVs Efficiently