Change of Name and New Logo: IPO.Plan GmbH Becomes ipolog GmbH

With the synchronization of the company name to the name of the software as well as a new logo, ipolog GmbH strengthens its market positioning and clarifies its strategic orientation as a software firm. “The new name and the new logo underline the focus on the development and distribution of ipolog, our software for the optimization of assembly and logistics. With this, we are laying the foundation for further growth and internationalization,” says Matthias Kellermann, CEO of ipolog GmbH.

On 14 January, IPO.Plan GmbH changed its name to ipolog GmbH. “With the change of name we are taking another important step towards becoming a dedicated software manufacturer”, says Michael Wagner, CTO of ipolog GmbH. As a first step, the company transferred its planning department into the hands of Leadec in November 2019, so that with 40 employees it can now concentrate exclusively on the ipolog software. For this purpose, 25 employees moved to Leadec in the Automation & Engineering division. In a final step, a new website is to complete the change of name in mid-March.

The goal of ipolog GmbH is creating a complex factory without false decisions and unpleasant surprises. With the ipolog software, complexity in the factory is made manageable and uncertainties are overcome. The change of name is a clear commitment to the ipolog product.

The company would like to thank all customers for ten years of loyalty. All software customers and partners can look forward to new innovations and product highlights concerning the ipolog software. The contact persons will remain the same.