Human Resource Planning with ipolog-Software
Simulate workflows in your production with ipolog to maximize productivity. Find out here how this is possible.
Why is workforce planning so important for your company?
You have great employees with unique and special skills. The challenge lies in correctly scheduling them over the year and utilizing their abilities most effectively. As a shift planner you must also be able to react quickly to unplanned situations, such as sick leave or other emergencies. A system is needed that automatically maps and adjusts the optimal utilization of resources and capacities in a system, while still considering illnesses and differing abilities.
Workforce planning deals with the optimal deployment of available assembly employees based on current conditions and competence requirements. The focus here is on achieving the goals required by production with a minimal use of resources.
Do you also face the following challenges in your employee scheduling?
Changes in employee scheduling
Changes in the production program
Unreliable work planning
Good workforce management is simply a must!
We offer a powerful software that optimizes the assembly process from the initial planning stages to operative use in daily work scheduling. Benefit from holistic planning and the advantages that come from the ideal utilization of employees in assembly and adjacent areas.
Recognize the advantages of employee scheduling with the help of software
Gain transparency in planning and the implementation of tasks by using a software designed for workforce management. Always have an overview and be able to react well to spontaneous changes. ipolog provides coherence between planning and business operations as well as a transparent display of employee workload and tasks.
Webinar zur Mitarbeiterplanung
Sind Sie auch der Meinung, dass eine gute Mitarbeiter-Einsatzplanung wichtig ist? In unserem Webinar "In 3 Schritten zur idealen Mitarbeiterauslastung in der Montage" zeigen wir am Beispiel der Max Holder GmbH wie Sie Ihre Mitarbeiterauslastung mit der Software ipolog effizienter gestalten können.
Assembly Planning Webinar
Optimize Your Assembly: From Idea to Reality in 5 Steps - watch our free webinar now on-demand
This is why your employee scheduling should be done in our ipolog tool!
Workforce management with ipolog software allows you to combine several advantages to achieve major improvements in the productivity of your assembly. Comprehensive planning in ipolog helps you to see where you can save resources and our 3D simulation allows you to test various scenarios in order to achieve enormous time savings in work preparation.
The automatic assignment of tasks to your employees gives you time for more important things. There’s no longer a need to manually think about the daily scheduling of employees in an Excel spreadsheet. Our software suggests when an employee at any given workstation should take over a certain task.
Being overworked or underchallenged is a thing of the past. Flexible rescheduling and automated planning in an integrated system makes daily work easier.
Reschedule employees at the push of a button
With our ipolog software, changes in staff availability are no longer a headache. ipolog can automatically assign the required and available employees to the scheduled jobs based on the stored competence matrix.
Automatically adapt employee planning to changed production program
With ipolog, you remain in control of the situation even if the model mix fluctuates or the number of pieces is adjusted. The ipolog software always calculates the required number of assembly workers based on the actual production program or shows the effects if there is insufficient planned capacity.
Efficient work preparation
The ipolog software ensures efficient and reliable work preparation, so that you, as the person responsible for assembly and logistics, can see in advance what is in store for you and your teams as a result of changes in the production program.
How to achieve optimal workforce planning without Excel
1. Structure of a digital twin
2. Import of personnel information
3. Planning Preview
Would you like to start optimizing your employee scheduling right away? Then get started with us! We would love to discuss your individual requirements during a one on one consultation.
Ipolog is not only a simulation software, but also a calculation and reporting tool. As a result, all relevant KPIs can first be calculated, then visually checked for plausibility and finally compared transparently."