Tobias Herwig: Featured Expert at The Logistics Tribe Podcast

Tobias Herwig was recently the featured expert at The Logistics Tribe podcast. The Logistics Tribe is a weekly podcast about the world of global logistics and supply chain management hosted by Boris Felgendreher, Dana von der Heide and Marco Prüglmeier.

Marco Prügelmeier sat down with Tobias Herwig to discuss his background as an intralogistics planning expert at ipolog GmbH, his personal Podcast “Fabrik der Zukunft” where he discusses trending topics in factory planning and the following hot topics in logistics:

·  The importance of data visualization vs. the importance and utility of using virtual reality for intralogistics planning

·  What role AI currently plays in planning

·  The challenge of collecting data

·  Integrating AGVs and AMRs into intralogistics simulations

·  How to integrate the virtual planning world with the real-world on the shop floor (digital twins vs. digital models)

·  Newest 3D visualization technology at NVIDIA (Omniverse) and how ipolog is planning to use it

·  Predictions for the future of logistics planning and logistics in general (automation, autonomous transports, integrated digital models, etc.)

The episode is available on the following platforms:
Apple Podcast:

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