Say Goodbye to Idling Forklifts & Tugger Trains

On-demand Webinar – register now and watch it online

What you will know after the webinar?

  • How transport resources can be planned correctly with ipolog.

  • How easy it can be to calculate actual transportation requirements.

  • Which advantages an automated tugger train configuration offers.

  • How the workload can be improved by turning the right “gears”.

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More Information


When planning your tugger trains, forklifts and AGVs, do the following questions always arise?

  • How many means of transport are actually necessary?
  • How can the means of transport be correctly implemented?
  • How do external factors affect the planning process?
  • How can empty runs and downtimes be avoided?

We understand these challenges. Our software has been especially designed for stressed planners and project managers. There is a better way!

In our free webinar “Say Goodbye to Idling Forklifts & Tugger Trains- Optimize Your Capacity Utilization” we will demonstrate how easy means of transport planning can be with the right tool.

Martin Rometsch

ipolog GmbH
Marting Rometsch is an expert for digitalization of assembly and logistics at ipolog GmbH. He advises interested planners on the use of the ipolog planning software.

Frequently asked questiones

Is the offer really free?
Yes. We are happy to share our knowledge with you and would be happy if it helps you.
Do you have any questions or suggestions?

If you have any questions or suggestions, we look forward to hearing from you. you can reach us at

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