Time to Read: 5 min
Employee Route Simulation with the Push of a Button – Possible with ipolog!
- Optimize employee routes in your assembly

Optimization of employee routes for greater added value in your assembly
Increased planning security with just a few clicks
The following added values for the demand-optimized assignment of your employees result from employee routing simulation in ipolog:
Up to 20% increase in productive work time through better employee planning,
Simulation of personnel planning and evaluation in real time,
Reduction of cycle time sequence losses through optimized workflows,
Transparency of employee routes,
Optimization of work processes,
Flexible shifting and balancing of work processes possible.
This function of human resource planning is unique worldwide!
You can see in real time and 3D every work step of your employees in different departments or lines in the real production environment. Walking paths can be seen as well as the movement of the belt and the respective process steps (assembly, material retrieval, etc.). This knowledge makes human resource planning much easier.
You can see very quickly whether itineraries make sense or need improvement. Do changes to the material position result in an efficiency improvement or is moving an entire workstation the better alternative? You can test this quickly by using drag & drop. Each change is immediately visible and the changed material conditions and process routes are considered and displayed. You can see employee workload and then adjust human resource planning accordingly.
You can make each planning change directly in ipolog and view the consequences in 3D. Simple surface layout adjustments are also possible without a CAD program. Change the sequence or length of work processes without having to go into Excel spreadsheets, change the material arrangement without adjusting the material lists- this can all be done directly in ipolog! This makes planning fast and efficient. You can test out alternatives in human resource planning and then present your results to other planning partners.
The 3D visualization of the employee routing simulation bridges comprehension difficulties and missing technical know-how of the partners because everything is easy to understand. Employee training is also simplified by visible planning in the real environment. Quick and easy demand-optimized resource planning is possible. Due to the optimal deployment of personnel, your production costs per product can be noticeably reduced.
Added value for manufacturing companies through employee routing simulation and human resource planning with ipolog
Get an overview of the advantages that an employee route simulation and subsequent improved workforce planning can bring to your production:
Effective use of planning time (up to 50%)
No need to synchronize lists (fewer errors)
More capacity for optimization
Reduction of production costs by increasing capacity utilization
Communication barriers fall through 3D visualization
Optimization recommendation after changes in quantity or product portfolio
The results with improved human resource planning:

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